David Alabi - Energy Transition and Leadership Development Strategist

Meet David Alabi, my husband and father to our three children. David and I have been on the journey together for 22 years and have been married for 17 years.

The concept of "Life being a project" started over 20 years ago when I met David. We have always been rockstar project managers from very early years in our life. We share so many stories of our lives which has helped many people make positive changes in their business, career and life by applying project management principles. We have come full circle with the concept of strategic project management in business and beyond.

David is a creative and a lover of technology. The journey of creating the Strategic Project leader has been propelled by David as he believes that so many people would live better lives and get significant results in their business when they apply the SPL framework.





Strategic Project Leader


Energy Sustainability Advocate


Leadership Development Strategist


Meet Grace Asuni ~ My Inspiration

Meet my mum, Grace Asuni, the grittiest entrepreneurial mum you would ever meet!
Grace became an entrepreneur at the age of 10, not by choice but by circumstance – having lost her dad at that tender age.
She became an adult overnight. She had to fend for herself and her siblings. The sufferings and pains were just too much to bear with thoughts of ending it all.
She went to bed many-a nights without a meal. She woke up with no clothes on her back or shoes on her feet, but one thing was sure, she was DETERMINED and RELENTLESS to make a life for herself. This was the commencement of her entrepreneurial journey. She had multiple businesses and always focused on reinventing herself and learning new skills while focusing on the bottom line.
She raised us four with the same ideology that you can never fall lower than the ground; if that ever happens, you dust yourself up, learn from the experience and try, pivot and try again.
Since age 10, she has been a mum to her siblings, her biological kids, extended families, friends and people in the community. 
Meet the strategic project leader, the warrior who raised me.

The Future

Preparing the next generation for innovation, the right mindset and results focus.

Hear from My Daughter – The Next Gen Strategic Project Leader

I believe in empowering the younger generation. Project management is an essential skill and I teach this to my kids from a very tender age.
More importantly, the up-and-coming generation needs to grasp the concept of strategic mindset – early 0n – and incorporate elements of project management into their daily lives.
Project management is a life skill for both the young and old. Are you preparing your children by giving them the needed tools for success?
The Next Gen Strategic Project Leader Experience is coming soon, watch out for more details.

Meet the Alabi's

These are the ones that give me wings to fly!
I wear so many hats. One of the hats I enjoy most is my project manager hat that I rock at home. These lovely ones (in the pictures) are my stakeholders.
Being a wife and a mum, I am reminded daily that my success in life goes beyond achievements in business and career, but also, success in my personal life’s projects.
I cannot wait to share more of my journey with you as you become part of this global family we are creating together.
Family, I believe is not about blood but those who are willing to hold you up when you need them the most.
“If you want to go fast you go alone, if you want to go far we go together.” – African proverb
“Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” – Michael J. Fox

Ready to Get the Most Out of  Your Time?

Pick a collection below to get actionable, strategic and action-based resources perfectly paired with your current stage of career and business growth.


Get Unstuck and Plan

Remove the barriers to entry, learn the mindset to break through the subconscious blocks to success.


Move From Plan to Build

 Understand how to manage goals, changes and challenges in your business, career and life as projects.


Accelerate & Scale

Set up seamless service delivery with the right systems, processes and tools in your business, career and life

© 2022 Fola Alabi. The Strategic Project Leader, Inc. All rights reserved.